3 min read

Film featuring 1912 Pendleton Round-Up champion screens in Forest Grove in 1925

What were Forest Grove residents watching a century ago? Hoot Gibson won the all-around championship at the Pendleton Round-Up in the early days of his acting career in 1912. In 1925, he was the leading man for a film screening at the Star Theater (now Theatre in the Grove).
Film featuring 1912 Pendleton Round-Up champion screens in Forest Grove in 1925

1925: Moonshiners roamed the hills outside Forest Grove. The city pondered building a National Guard armory. Now-lost silent films played at the Star Theater. Step into Forest Grove history from the lens of newspaper archives of the day.

In this column, we take a look back one hundred years ago in Forest Grove. This week, the clips come from the Washington County News-Times published March 12, 1925. Tap on an image to bring it into focus.

These news clips are selected for news events that I believe would have been of significance to readers of the time. or of interest to readers of today. They are presented as-is, and without comment. At the time, the newspapers of the day often expressed viewpoints that today would be considered racist, xenophobic, and sexist, frequently using slurs to describe ethnic groups and often stepping outside the norms of what we consider to be ethical journalism today.

Want more local history? Visit the Friends of Historic Forest Grove, online at www.fhfg.org.

Do you have access to historic photos, diaries, or other historic tidbits from Forest Grove? Email me at chashundley@newsinthegrove.com; we'd love to share the past with the present!

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